PhD and postdoc positions funded by the Spanish/Catalan government or by our projects are possible for researchers motivated to work in polarization optics and with a good academic record.
Current Members
- Subiao Bian
- Iago Pardo
- Beáta Hroncová (Visiting PhD from Masarykovy Univerzity, Czech Republic)
Former Master/PhD students in UB
- Ertan Kuntman (2014-2019, Phd Thesis)
- Hana Bendada (visiting PhD, Université Ferhat Abbas- Sétif, Algeria)
- Ziqing Li (visiting PhD Huaqiao University, China)
- Huihui Li (visiting PhD, Huaqiao University, China)
- Sara Aguado (Master in Photonics)
- Dale Gottlieb (Europhotonics Master)
- Sheikh Fareya (Europhotonics Master)